High Pressure Cleaning units, professional washing machines that combine the power of pressurized water with the sanitizing action of hot water and steam, allowing cleaning operations without the use of detergents and chemical additives. A solution that improves the quality and working conditions of operators, respecting the environment and reducing intervention costs.
The Skid configuration permits use on platforms and roll-offs without any changes having to be made to the vehicle. These units are easy to transport and fully independent.
Portable units with electric motor for rapid professional cleaning. Simplicity of use and easy handling characterize this type of product.
Trailer units, professional trailers approved for road use with petrol or diesel engines and versions up to 750kg or up to 1500Kg at full load. While maintaining the characteristics of the range, these units make it possible not to constrain the load compartment of a vehicle and avoid the traffic restrictions imposed on large vehicles.
Developed for professional washing of surfaces that require special attention, taking advantage of the combination of high pressure and high temperature without the use of chemical additives, to avoid damage to the surfaces. This high pressure steam cleaning technique at around 150° C with an adjustable pressure up to 220 bar, brings excellent cleaning results with minimum water and fuel consumption.
Monuments, squares and floors
Fragile facades
Removing chewingum and graffiti
Bridges and scaffolding
Oil, fats and resins
Algae and mosses
Air pollution
Vertical and horizontal signs
The New WEED CONTROL system GUARANTEES COMPLETE REMOVAL of weeds, without any injury from chemical agents to people or damage to the surrounding environment, respecting the current European regulations. The effectiveness of ecological weeding is given by the intensity of the water steam emitted by the unit. The localized jet creates a thermal rise localized on the weed by eliminating it in a few steps.